Mold assessments generally follow guidelines set by authoritative bodies such as the US EPA and the NYCDOH. The widely accepted document is often used during assessment and removal. Armando Chamorro, our president and Certified Industrial Hygienist, contributed to the revision of this document, placing CIH Environmental Solutions in a unique position to provide expert advice during mold assessment and remediation.

CIH Environmental Solutions conducts over 500 indoor air quality surveys each year. The surveys are carried out in two forms, routine preventive care and reactive surveys.

The South Florida community, including prestigious medical facilities have been relying on CIH to monitor their water systems for more than two decades with its own in-house CDC approved ELITE Laboratory, CIH Environmental Solutions Inc.

CIH assists building owners to restore damaged properties by providing an independent unbias three phase approach. Those three phases are, initial assessment, and inspection during the remediation and post remediation.

CIH provides training in Hazard communication to help ensure that the hazards of all chemicals, produced or imported, are evaluated and that information regarding their hazards is transmitted to employers and employees.

Rain or flood waters entering a property generally causes concerns, including property damages, potential liabilities and health implication due to exposure to microorganisms or other pollutants.

An abundant amount of sustainable buildings form the core of US building industry. They serve as examples of good design, construction and operations and maintenance good practices.