Since 2005
CIH Environmental Solutions, Inc. (CIHES) is a consulting company based in South Florida that helps local, national and international professionals deal with daily environmental challenges. Services include environmental and occupational assessments along with specialized training.
CIHES is a leader in the area of indoor air quality having helped the New York City Department of Health in preparing their Guidelines for Assessment and Control of Fungi in Indoor Environments.
Local universities, such as the University of Miami and Florida International University, often seek the experience of CIH Environmental Solution’s staff when solving complex environmental and occupational health issues. Working with CIH also provides access to a full-time diplomate from the American Board of Industrial Hygiene for litigation purposes.
Since 2005, CIH has served property owners, insurance companies, financial institutions, high-end residential properties, educational establishments, medical facilities, and more with a team of professionals with education and experience in construction management, chemistry, engineering, and environmental health and safety.
CIH assists clients in Latin America through its offices in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Our Team
Armando Chamorro holds a Master in Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety from Hunter College of New York as well as a BS in Industrial Engineering from Polytechnic University of New York. He is also a LEED AP and Certified Building Commissioning Professional (CBCP) with nearly 20 years of experience in assessment of environmental and occupational health projects. As a Board Certified Industrial Hygienist, Mr. Chamorro has participated in building assessment in over 200o buildings in NY Metro area alone. Additionally, he has assessed over 5000 buildings in Southeast USA, Caribbean and Central and South America and Saudi Arabia. He serves as an expert in building related environmental and occupational challenges, many of these properties depicting water intrusion, deficient dehumidification and microbial challenges such as mold or Legionella colonization. He is former president of ASHRAE Miami Chapter.
Ruth Otero is graduated from the University of Turabo in Puerto Rico and has been trained by the presitigiuos Mc Crone Institute of Chicago in forensic particle analysis. She is currently the president of RAMS Environmental Laboratory and has over than fifteen years of experience supervising chemical and microbiological analisis of air, surface and water environmental samples, including asbestos bulk and fibers, forensic particle characterization, TCLP, welding fumes profile along with and isolation and identification of E. Coli, coliforms and Legionella bacteria on potable and non potable water. She also supervises and train personnel’s daily activities, including QAQC Program and Standard Operating procedures to maintain active participation and certification with the AIHA/EMPAT for fungal spores and CDC ELITE for Legionella bacteria programs. Ms Otero is a technical advisor to the American Lung Association (American Lung Association) in the area of bioaerosols.
Nguyet Nguyen holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science and has two decades of experience in Indoor Environmental Quality studies. She specializes in environmental building diagnostics field acquired data resulting from Indoor Air Quality investigations and proactive surveys. She also specializes in indoor mold assessments, drinking and cooling tower water quality monitoring, asbestos surveys, Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, tracer gas studies, and Energy Star and Green Building (LEED) performance. Her knowledge and understanding of indoor environmental quality conditions facilitate the preparation of technical reports and project proposals. She also assists in managing daily activities and operations, maintaining client relationships, and coordinating projects for the Miami office
Alejandro Fernandez has over a decade of experience in Indoor Environmental Quality as a trained field hygienist. He specializes in conducting indoor mold assessments, periodic indoor air and water quality surveys, HVAC assessments, Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, and tracer gas studies as well as a variety of other projects using state-of-the-art field instruments. His expertise includes initial microbial contamination assessment, preparation of remediation protocols, contractor monitoring and final clearance procedures prior to reoccupancy. His knowledge and understanding of indoor environmental quality allows him to evaluate conditions and prescribe remediation protocols where needed. He is also responsible for state-of-the-art equipment calibration including Bruel and Kaer multipoint multigas devises.